I made phone calls all day long. I have to look for a society to make an order for T-shirt with the club logo on it. I look for the good deal, and ask for estimation price for a 100 t-shirt. We are waiting for the best offer. 
I have to call Air-France but it was hard to have someone on the phone, their line was busy! Finally I reached someone arround 6pm. The estimation we received for the trip planed for May was to high compares to what we found on teh website. The operator could not give me a satisfying answer so we are just going to buy tickets online instead of a group ticket.
If we take individual ticket it is 99euros while the groupe price was 149euros. The ticket at 99euro does not have soutcase included but their is an option at 15euros, which is still cheaper than 149euros. My supervisor decided to buy the ticket at 99euro and add the soutcase option. I am glad I looked for the ticket before, so I was able to compare both prices. 

    Marielle Segbor

    I love sport, I love Track and field. This internship is a great opportunity to learn about the management of a track and field club.