Working here as an intern was a good experience. I have been able to see how the management work from the inside of the club. As an athlete we always think everything is easy for the coach and the staff but the reality is that nothing is easy for them. 
      The most important thing I have learned is to always watch out for the budget. A track and Field club is an association, most of their income come from donation. They are pressured to do good every year or their subvention will be lowered the next day. It like an athlete being threatened to lose his/her scholarship if they don't do good on the field. It is a everyday pressure for the president. 
       I would not like to be a club president but I will love to be a coach in a track and field club or in a university in the US. It is important to give back and I feel like I have a lot to give to those kids. They are so adorable, and just want to have fun and learn how to better in track. Of course they are not all good but they have that innocence all kids have and give their best at each practice. Some kids just don't want to be there but most of the kids we have here enjoy track and field. I will miss some of them for sure. 
       I might try to be a track GA for my master degree if it is possible.
  Today is my last day of internship. I have been working on my project, asking for advice from my supervisor. It is an easy day, I have to finalize my last mission (The T-shirt mission from Wednesday). We received an estimation but they did take into account the logo in the back of the T-shirt so we are waiting for an other estimation. The first estimation was quite cheap so if the second estimation is to high we will just go for one logo in the left front. I am still waiting for the e-mail with the estimation. I also ask a second online store for an estimation so we can chose the cheapest one.

    Marielle Segbor

    I love sport, I love Track and field. This internship is a great opportunity to learn about the management of a track and field club.